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Microsoft MVP Award – July 2011 !

It’s the first of July and I’m here to announce another important milestone in the MVP Award Program.

We evaluated, scrutinized, “monitored” and got recommendations of outstanding community contributors in the Region I represent (Italy & CEE, excluding Russia + CIS Countries).

And it’s always a challenge, making sure we got all the information, making sure we nominate people in the right expertise (and it’s not always a piece o’ cake). But we ended up, hopefully, to Award the people that really deserve it !


I’m of course helped in this journey, which happens every 3 months: by dear colleague Marjorie, who really works hard on that period of time (and not only during that time :)), by the local stakeholders, including the Audience Marketing Managers up to the DPE Leads, Directors and BMO Lead who can (and actually is very appreciated) give their opinions on the candidates that are in review. I guess the actual process really works thanks to all the people that are involved in this (and they are a lot, believe me :)).

Having said that I would like to announce the newly Awarded MVPs for the 1st of July (sorted by name):

MVP Technical Expertise Country/Region
Darko  Milevski SharePoint Server Macedonia F.Y.R.O
Grzegorz  Rycaj Visual Studio ALM Poland
Hajan  Selmani ASP.NET/IIS Macedonia F.Y.R.O
Joanna  Subik System Center Operations Manager Poland
Kaido  Järvemets System Center Configuration Manager Estonia
Karel  Klatovský Remote Desktop Services Czech Republic
Margarita  Naumova SQL Server Bulgaria
Martin Wilhelm Angler SharePoint Server Italy
Peter  Gubarevich Enterprise Security Latvia
Peter  Holpar SharePoint Server Hungary
Piotr  Pawlik Exchange Server Poland
Radi  Atanassov SharePoint Server Bulgaria
Rok  Bermež Windows Azure Slovenia
Salvatore  Di Fazio SharePoint Server Italy
Slavko  Kukrika Windows Expert-IT Pro Slovenia

As soon as they’ll publish the good news (hopefully it’s a good news for them :)) by blogging, micro-blogging and/or on their MVP Profiles, I will add the links to their names so you can start familiarize with them.).

A BIG CONGRATS to the MVPs who have been renewed this Award cycle: the list is long but I want to congratulate them for their hard community involvement. Being renewed is as tough as being awarded for the first time. Being involved in the online and offline community environments is a challenge (time constraints, few or no help from other community members, several trips to make speeches, spending big amount of time reviewing and writing articles and books and so forth). It’s the PASSION that drives us all, and it should always be like that.


BTW, If you don’t know nothing about the MVP Award Program, why don’t you subscribe to our blog? You’ll definitely find some good interesting stories to read !

Enjoy your Award and join me in congratulating them !


  1. 30/11/1999 at 02:00

    I was now awarded for first time! This is great moment in my professional life! Thank you Microsoft!

  2. 30/11/1999 at 02:00

    Congratulations to all!

  3. 30/11/1999 at 02:00

    Congratulations to all the new and re-awarded MVPs!!

  4. 30/11/1999 at 02:00

    Congratulations to all MVP

  5. 01/07/2011 at 18:57

    Congratulations to all ,especially to a new Latvian MVP!

  6. 05/07/2011 at 14:20

    Congratulations to all MVPs!!!

  7. 05/07/2011 at 23:48

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  8. John967
    23/07/2011 at 13:29

    Very nice site!

  1. 30/11/1999 at 02:00
  2. 30/11/1999 at 02:00
  3. 02/07/2011 at 08:55

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